
We are very happy to have you here with us!
You are invited, welcomed, accepted, and loved
Under the Auspices of our esteemed organization the
International Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Inc.,
we exist to intentionally unite into one Christian fellowship, ministers’ wives, and ministers’
widows of the various Christian denominations for greater and more effective service in kingdom
building. Established in 1941 we are an organization of rich history and renowned influence as
we span the globe within the states and internationally.
As the Western Region Vice President, I am delighted to share with you the benefits of this
dynamic, engaging, and loving organization of likeminded sisters in Christ. If you are looking
for a safe place, and a sisterhood in which you are empowered to grow, you have been directed to
the right place.
Currently, in the Western region we are active in the following states:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, Washington State, and Utah.
My prayer as I lead this August body, is for God to bless us with growth and to enlarge our
territory as we progress to revitalize our inactive states of Hawaii, Idaho, Missouri, Oregon, and
As you continue to visit our site, meet our International President and VP at Large.
Glean from the information shared, and further connect us.
Welcome and thanks for visiting our website!
Regional Cabinet
Conference Highlights